Search for tag: "plant"

Chester M Alter lecture Series_April_4_2023

The SEED Institute at Regis University’s Anderson College of Business and Computing presents a keynote and panel discussion on Rocky Flats featuring: Kristen Iversen (Professor of English…

From  Sean Gruno 8 plays 0  

Dermot Swanson's Thesis Defense

Dermot Swanson - Cultivating a Plant-Human Connection in the Age of the AnthropoceneAdvisor: Dr. John Sakulich; Reader: Dr. Amy Schreier

From  Lara Narcisi 31 plays 0  

POWER OF MYTH: Sacrifice and Bliss

Bill Moyers and Joseph Campbell discuss the themes and roots of human myth which is seen as man's attempt to relate himself to the universe. Starting with various topics Campbell shows both…

From  Sean Gruno 1 plays 0